Loose Weight,Not Health

7 min readMar 24, 2021

People think obesity is a matter of beauty but it is a serious health issue

Shows all the chopped vegetables in categories
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Obesity is thought to be a beauty matter but it’s a serious health issue.To get rid of it we must use healthy ways. We should start working on our diet to be fit and healthy.

Today I will tell you how to loose weight and have a good health at the same time. Some people stop eating food to loose weight and it causes starvation. It is a major misconception among people and I am writing this to remove this misconception . I will also tell you how we gain weight in less time and cannot loose it. I will tell you how to loose it.

People tell you to loose weight in a specific time. That diet is very harmful for us. I won’t tell you about that as it is harmful and I will create awareness about it. I will tell you about the perfect diet that makes you healthy and loose weight.

What is a Diet?

Often people take diet that reduces weight or at least doesn’t gain it. This diet reduces weight but doesn’t have the important nutrients that a person needs on daily basis. The human body suffers from these loses and can cause serious illness.

A healthy diet means that it has all the nutrients that our bodies need to do proper functions. Healthy diet consists of all the nutrients required by our bodies to perform the functions. We need energy to perform our daily life work and energy is made by the food.

“Exercise is king.Nutrition is queen.Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.”says the author Jack Lalanne.

Every person should have a proper diet plan which they have to follow to be fit and active. It should contain all the nutrients. Without a proper diet plan no one can loose weight.There should be six groups in our diet.The six groups are:

Six food groups

1.Carbohydrates:They are the main source of energy in our body and have two categories called starch and sugars.Rice,bread,potatoes and beans are examples of starch. Natural sugars include milk and sugarcane and it is used to make chocolates and candies.

2.Fats:Give us twice the energy and work as reserve supply of energy when we consume less food.They help us keep warm.Butter,lard,meat cheese,palm oil and olive oil are it’s examples.

3.Proteins:Proteins supply us with energy and build tissues, enzymes, and hormones. It is the main source of weight loss!!They can be obtained by cheese,nuts,peas,milk,eggs,meat etc.

4.Vitamins:It is needed in small amounts for health and growth. Citrus fruits, dairy products,carrots,eggs,fish etc.

5.Minerals:They are needed in tiny amounts by the body for some chemical reactions and for proper growth and calcium,iron,iodine and sodium are minerals needed by the body. Salt,green vegetables , dairy products and ,meat are it’s examples.

6. Fibre: It keeps intestines healthy and includes fruits,vegetables,brown rice and bread etc.

How Do We Gain Weight?

We gain weight when we eat fatty foods such as fatty meat,whole-fat dairy products like cheese and milk,Ice cream,butter and lard etc. When we eat more than required by our body it turns into fats which make you fat.

People often gain a lot of weight in less time. This happens when we eat fast foods and a lot of sweets and people often do not move from their place and keep on sitting which doesn’t burn their calories. This is the main reason of gaining weight in less time. We should exercise daily which is very important for us. If you can’t go to the gym for exercise you can go for a walk which burns most of the calories. Cycling burns most of the calories in the human body.

This shows burger,fries and nuggets.

Weight Loss

Healthy diet is the major secret to loosing weight but it doesn’t totally depend on it.There are other things to do to loose weight.We have to eat balanced diet in a balanced quantity . This the the healthy diet.It fulfills our deficiency of vitamins,calories and minerals.

What people do?

Once people gain a lot of weight and start to lose it ,they cross limits because they think it’s the matter of their beauty.Some people even take internet’s help to lose weight but without full and proper information about it.They can do anything to loose weight.

Decrease in fats

People think that loosing Fats can loose weight but that’s not true. When we loose fats they don’t go anywhere but are compressed and when you stop dieting it makes work more easier for weight gain again.

Diet Plan

When we talk of loosing weight, most of the time people don’t have true expectations and no goals to reach. If we would have goals than we would reach to the place where we want to look slim.True expectations are always fulfilled. We should eat healthy food and live an active life.

Breakfast: Take two slices of brown bread with a boiled egg. Take any fresh juice with it or take green tea either. The juice should not be be processed and should be made at home with fresh fruits.

Lunch:Take brown boiled rice with a piece of lean meat(not so big). Take a small bowl of salad with it. It shouldn’t be processed and made fresh. Add little spices to you meals to increase your metabolism.

Snacks:Instead of eating junk food and processed food from the market take in fruits of your choice. You can even make a fruit salad.I t’s even better as it has more quantity and tastes amazing. I personally don’t like to eat fruits, so I make a fruit salad instead.(I will share all the recipes at the end.)

Dinner:Grilled Fish with some boiled vegetables like peas,broccoli,carrots etc. Add Jalapeno with it.The fish should not be fried. Grilled fish is the best for weight loss. Bake some potatoes with it for a good flavour with some spices added to it.

Exercise:With a proper and healthy diet exercise is equally important. Without exercising you can’t loose weight.Healthy diet is the door and exercise is the key , you have to open the door to good health.So exercise is very important. Walking is a very good exercise so if you can’t afford to go to the Gym, just walk.

It has all the necessary food to eat daily. It consists of meat,rice and salad.
Photo by Cloris Ying on Unsplash

Can Water and Green Tea Help to Loose Weight?

Surprisingly yes,both of these things can help us to loose weight.It is indicated to drink 8 glasses of water in a day so your body does not get dehydrated.If you cannot drink this much water and are lazy like me so we even have a solution to this. You can make Detox Water at home which purifies your body from Toxins , gives you energy and actually helps you loose weight. (All the recipes mentioned at the end)

Green tea is a great drink to use after meals. It helps burn your calories. Instead of drinking tea and coffee replace it with green tea. It specially for people who want to loose weight but cannot leave tea or coffee. Believe me it tastes mind blowing and is very helpful for people who have stomach problems. I drink a lot of it and I love it.(recipe at the end )

Enjoying a cup of green tea with plants.
Photo by Verena Böttcher on Unsplash

Do’s and Don’ts:

Some do’s and don’ts are common among people we have to follow.These are the wrong and the correct things to follow when starting to loose weight.


  1. Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  2. Exercise on daily basis.
  3. Include all the nutrients which are needed by the body in your diet.
  4. Less quantity but quality items in your food plan.
  5. Never skip a meal .


  1. Don’t stop eating
  2. Avoid sugar free,gluten free stuff as it is processed.They have more fat and sugar in them.
  3. Don’t eat sweets after finishing meals.
  4. Avoid using energy drinks as they have rich amounts of caffeine and sugar.They provide with instant energy which is very harmful for the body.They are dangerous for heart and liver patients.
  5. Avoid Fad diet


It is when the food you eat turns into energy which is used by several processes of the body. Eating protein rich foods in breakfast increases your metabolism.If we leave a meal,it severely affects the our metabolism.Using spices and jalapeno in the meals makes your metabolism good.Everyone’s metabolism and eating timings are different from one another.

“The harder you work for something,the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” author unknown.


  1. Salad:In a bowl add chopped carrots,tomatoes,broccoli,all the green vegetables available,cucumbers and whatever you want to add. You can even add small pieces of meat and cheese. Your salad is ready.
  2. Fruit Salad:Chop all the fruits available like apples,bananas,kiwi,oranges mangoes etc.Add them in a bowl. Then add half Tsp of sugar(optional) and snack spice( 1 Tsp). I make it every day for my self and even you can make it and believe it tastes amazing.
  3. Detox Water:Take long water bottle and fill it with water. Add sliced cucumber,lime and lemon. Squeeze a lemon in it. Add some mint leaves. Your Detox water is ready !! All of these things grow in our garden.
  4. Green tea:Add 1 and half cup of water in a saucepan and add mint,green tea,sugar,cardamom,(fennel seed)is optional. If you have stomach problem add fennel seed otherwise skip it. Leave it to boil and when 1 cup is left, you can take it out and drink it.

I hope you liked my work and it was helpful for you. I hope you will follow it properly. It took a very long time to write it and I will hope you will encourage my work. You have to perform this for 6–7 months and keep on doing it to be fit and active but you will start to notice results in 6–7 months.Thanks for reading my article.

